This is a simple game created in the Pico 8 game engine. I created the game as part of the SHMUP Tutorial series on youtube created by Krystman of Lazy Devs fame.
Use arrow keys to move and X to fire and use Z to fire bombs when available. Collect more bombs to get a more powerful shot and collect slices of space pizza to regain lives. If you have max lives or bombs you will get ten bonus points instead!
This game gets quite difficult but pickups are liberal enough so use those bombs and best of luck!
The enemy art in this game is from other users on the Lazy Devs Discord server and can be downloaded as part of the tutorial series. Credit for the awesome boss art goes to Krystman himself and the excellent boss fight music was created by his very talented chip tune chap Sebastian (I hope I am spelling that right!)
I highly recommend anyone who is interested go and start the series for themselves!
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Intro screen is really cool along with the intro music. Great take on the game. Now I want pizza :)
Congrats on your first game! Hard to believe that's your first! It's so juicy with a lot of cool features that just come from love and a great imagination. I love the AI berserker behaviour, and especially how they telegraph that they're about to do it.
very enjoyable shooter=)
As others have said, the UT and title screen are great, and the comments that pop up when enemies die are a great bit of flavor.
I loved it ! Especially :
- The UI and intro screen
- The starfield, great depth varied and colorful yet it doesn't get in the way of the action
- The bombing system, you get one bomb but it gets more powerful with each pickup. Really interesting in terms of strategy !
- The difficulty and speed of the game. Just nice for my taste.
- The little *pewpew* and "floaters" when you kill an enemy. Nice touch !
I was bit confused with having the enemies sprites sideways. I think they would have worked upstraight even with horizontal scrolling. Also sometimes the *pewpew* and *kaboom* were overloading the screen and confusing.
An overall great game, with a lot of personnality !
Looking at it now I think you are right, some of those enemies should have been rotated 90 degrees to be upright. It's been interesting learning how I design and what other people think of the same concepts!
I thought I commented on this yesterday, obviously not. I really like the comedy and the cute design. The naming is perfect for this game too.